November 2024
I Love You
I know, I know. Cliche. I know you hear it often (probably) but in case you hadn't heard it in a while.
Take mine. That's what is more important to me now.
New Series In The Works
I've recently had the pleasure of friends who are in the voice acting industry, some who want to break into it, and hobbyists use my written work to read as they build their own demo reels. I'm extremely flattered and honored that they would use the lines I've written in exploration, in frustration, and in awe of the world I have to live through. It has even caused me to record my own writing as well. I don't have a great voice (in my opinion). So there isn't divine honey, power edging on the brink of insanity, or sheepish hesitation mixed with optimism in my readings. (I even tried other pieces and my voice is ... well it's there.) (Thank you to the one of my table reads, you gave me the silly willys to want to try... but I think your voice sounds better. Hope you're ready to become my default narrator sir LOL.)
Maybe in the future for accessibility purposes, if you'd like to hear my poems, my essays, and sample portions of my scripts, you'll hear how I've heard these words for days and years.
I have two new series from essays written and essays to be formed to not only be in the works, but hopefully to grow. By next year, I think the goal I want for myself is:
To begin printing "UNSATURATED", my very first chapbook.
To write more essays; both poetic, observations, and or (maybe?) psychological thought pieces. (I pride myself in not writing pop psychology. I won't bastardize medical terms for the wrong hands to take and run with.)
I hope that the next batch of work I have coming to fruition will be full of words that others will also want to hold close to their chest because feeling this 'seen' helps them sleep at night.
Happy Birthday To Me.

October 2024
Thank you DC Zine Fest!
Selling out of my "Letters From The Memory You Wish You Could Erase" TWICE in a month has my entire being warm. It was amazing to release the final "Grudges" Volume. I can't wait to write more Zines between now and my next show along with possibly writing comic scripts to also be turned into zines. Thank you, and have a happy new year (DC being my last show of the year.)

"Talk nice to me" is one of my favorite internet phrases of this decade. I don't care if it is too soon to call that. Not only for curbing those who dare to minimize your knowledge/expertise, but also normalizing (in a respectfully firm way) don't just to say things carelessly.
Treat me with care.
That's it. That's the sentence.
September 2024
giggling and kicking my feet
Thank you Queen City Zine Fest! It was a blast being able to chat with other zine makers and as well as get my poetry in the hands of others. I will have the final installment of "The Grudges I Held Onto" available for my next zine fest in DC! :)

I'm Going Back Home
Moving back to Atlanta now, it is official.
"What is the matter with you?"
Do you mean that like, rhetorically? Or do you want a list? If you need a list I need 10 business days to get back to you on that.
August 2024
Love Out Loud Dear Lord
Love out loud, on purpose, and with your full chest. Please and thank. See what inspired me to bark here.
Part two of writing to understand the point of view from this character. Personally, I thought I had enough bitterness and anger to fuel this character. But I clearly don't. I might have frequent check ins as I maintain the mind space it takes to write this characters thoughts & perspectives down. You can read the exploration of that here.
Pain of Psalm
Songs of Solomon
Trying to get into a character's head when it comes to how they love, and as well as how they see themselves. The internal battle they have with their faith & frustration in a higher being and with someone they see as godlike. You can read that exploration here.
July 2024
Have you ever been so excited that you were able to finally finish [something] after a long internal battle with yourself? It could be a large project or the most mundane of tasks; but I promise you in your mind there is a huge applause from your own inner monologues? That's where I am. I'm learning to clap for the little things.
June 2024
I am, and always will be, the kid who intends to get louder.
Green Gremlins
I envy those who just have the luxury to write guilt free without the worry of bills being due and the support of loved ones. I envy those who have family and friends to go to when they feel stuck or trapped. What is it like to have an actual safety net? I envy those who actually chose to get started and take a deep plunge anyway. I envy you. Immensely. But I do not plan to stay here long.
# Getting To Work
Depression is suffocating. Self doubt is humiliating. And hesitation is the motive. Here's to hoping I can yoga all of this away soon.
Who Done it?
March 2024
Honoring Nicholas
Today I met someone named Nicholas. He as unhoused and told me he was a felon. That this caused him to struggle to find consistent housing, work, and just a safe space to talk to. I'm glad I was able to chat with him. He told me he was a writer and even showed me the journals he was writing his novel in. I gave him as much of my lukewarm at best advice on finding an agent and only submitting an outline and the first 50 pages of a draft to an agent. We had great conversations about bags, pockets, and music too. I hope that the warmer weather treats him kindly. And that one day I read the book he was excited to talk to me about.
My original day job laid me off. While yes I am frustrated that I am in this situation, I also understand that there was nothing I could do and I was in fact a good bean. Look out for writing drafts, illustrating story outlines, and all around more talking coming from me, the kid who intends to get louder.
I'm Looking For Work
Blog'd Thoughts:
Don't get me wrong, yes I enjoy my blog on Tumblr and the more ✨ silly willy ✨ thoughts that can live there. But for some reason I am having trouble just writing and posting poem(s), drafts, or just anything me there without the pressure of 'reblogability'. No, not everyone has a a blog theme or vibe to adhere to. But (and this is a big but) personally there is more pressure on Tumblr to right something profound to where the old millennial hipsters and their children reblog it. So although on my professional website please enjoy the many shades of me.